About Us
Community Transit of Watertown/Sisseton, Inc. is a non-profit (501 (C) 3) business that is locally and federally funded. In order for CTWSI to continue to receive 80% federal funding dollars for public transportation, 20% local match dollars must be received from residents, businesses and organizations. These local dollars are critical to maintaining the public transportation project and its continued growth.
How is Public Transportation Funded?
Public transportation funding revenue is the combined effort of seven main sources:
- Ridership fares
- Donations
- Federal Funds
- State Funds
- City Funds
- County Funds
- Private Donations
Donations may be sent to:
Community Transit of Watertown/Sisseton, Inc.
205 First Avenue NE
Watertown, South Dakota 57201
(605) 882-5287
Our current Board of Directors information can be found here